Doge swap
DOGESwap - swap native DOGE for BTC, NEAR, ETH, SOL, and more!
About Doge swap
Swap Doge <> BTC, NEAR, and other assets on their native chain on DogeSwap! Powered by NEAR Intents
Best cross-chain liquidity across the union of CEXs and DEXs at your fingertips!
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$PURGE - forgive_me_father
The pain is real, the burden must be lifted.Forged from the impossibly heavy model weights of all human sins.Fear not, for redemption is nigh.
Moon Shot
Crash Game on NEAR Protocol! Multiply your crypto instantly with the #1 cross chain crash game!
Build your NEP token-gated communities on Discord.
Play2Earn NFT collectible game on NEAR.
Turbo Swap
TurboSwap: Next-Gen Trading Platform for Turbo Chain, powered by NEAR-Intents
Liquid, tradeable debt markets to borrow and lend against any tokenized asset