NEAR Scope
Monitor account balances, staking rewards, validator uptime, and many more
About NEAR Scope
Nearscope is a web application that allows you:
Monitor the validator's uptime
Monitor account balances and staking rewards
Monitor account balances, staking rewards, validator uptime, and many more
Monitor the validator's uptime
Monitor account balances and staking rewards
The smart contract hub where you find, deploy, and collaborate on EVM contracts with audits, documentation, and usage, all managed from a user-friendly interface.
Dai is a stablecoin issued by Maker Protocol
Interoperability protocol powering the seamless transfer of value and information across 12 high value chains.
web3 way to fight spam
There are over 2,000 LNC members who participate in BugEye – community user testing platform for projects from LNC Barrel and other NEAR Ecosystem projects.
Staking Explorer | Leading data provider for staking.