NEAR Tip Bot
Building the blockchain dApp inside the messenger.
About NEAR Tip Bot
NEAR Tip Bot, Building the blockchain dApp inside the messenger. Sends tip in NEAR tokens direct in Telegram. It is possible to manage funds inside the messenger, launch smart contracts with one touch, perform operations and pay small fractions of a cent as fees, and keep your account private keys safe. Yes, if you are using a NEAR blockchain. NEAR has the unique feature to create limited functional access keys within your account. For Tip Bot, smart contract is accepting deposits, sending tokens as tips for valuable messages, and finally withdraw tips to the blockchain account. Bot generates a key in order to link the bot to your NEAR account and this key will be able to perform calls only for this specific contract, it will not be able to call any other contract and access your tokens. The key is under your controls and you can remove it from your NEAR account at any time. But as long as key is active, it will allow the telegram bot to send tips in the most simple a way as possible within the messenger. We can send a tip to the user without even knowing his blockchain address, the tip will be able to accumulate and will be assigned to useru2019s telegram account. And as soon as user logs into the bot, he will receive a request to connect his blockchain account and withdraw tokens. If user doesnu2019t have a NEAR account, then bot will create a linkdrop that will lead to the account generation screen, it will cover a small storage fees, and new account will be immediately credited with the remaining tips.